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what a journey!: LASt post (for now)

Hello Night Owls!

At the very beginning of this course, Educational Technologies, I had so many doubts about technology, I even asked our teacher if it is possible to create a classroom without technology in future classes. And close to the end, I get my answer: no, we can’t separate the next generation from technology and moreover, we shouldn’t separate it. Through this course, I have learned so many things one of which is the correct and effective use of technology, especially in a classroom environment. Students can benefit greatly from technology. Besides, education can be incredibly fun and interesting for students thanks to technology. As a teacher candidate, I enjoyed using the technology despite its difficulties. The most joyful task for me was “creating a digital poster”. It was a rather easy task to do when compared to the other ones, however, it was the one that we were the freest when creating it. On the other hand, the one that I had the most difficulty with was Padlet. I think that was because there were so many people in the group, so it was hard to agree. But thanks to those group works, such as Padlet, podcast, the movie review, etc. I have learned collaborative work which is a twenty-first-century skill. The course was truly an effective and inspiring experience for me. While doing some tasks, I thought social media can be used more, especially for older students since the fact that they spend most of their time on social media and it can be interesting and attractive for them to use technology tools which include social media platforms. Most of us used YouTube for the last activity, “creating digital storytelling”, and I saw that my friends had felt much more comfortable while using it as they were familiar with it the most. So, social media platforms can be included in the course. I can't wait to do technology-integrated tasks with my future students! Thanks for sharing this joyful journey with me!

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