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a vırtual exploratıon of parıs

Updated: Jan 28

Hello Night Owls!

I'm thrilled to share the exciting journey Nur Çögen and I embarked on while creating an immersive Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) integrated teaching material for a high school English prep class. Our focus? The enchanting city of Paris – a linguistic and visual feast for language learners.

In the first task, we whisked our students away to iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower using 3D objects and 360 videos. Engaging questions prompted them to delve into the history, architecture, and cultural significance of these Parisian gems. Next, we strolled through the Louvre Museum, virtually navigating its halls and encouraging students to choose their favorite painting. The interactive 360 videos brought art to life, making language learning a visually rich and emotionally engaging experience. Savoring French delights took center stage in the third task, where we explored the layers of the delectable croissant using 3D objects. Questions about its cultural significance added a flavorful dimension to our virtual journey. To conclude our material, we designed a project prompting students to document their virtual exploration of Paris through a postcard.

Creating this material was both educational and enjoyable. While Canva facilitated the creation of our handout, the challenge lay in extracting information and formulating questions based solely on 3D models.

Feel free to check out Nur's blog by clicking here and our material by clicking here. We hope it sparks the same enthusiasm for learning in others as it did for us!

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