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A corpus journey: fıx up the mıx-up!

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

Hello Night Owls,

Long time no see! This time I will share my corpus experiences with you. Embarking on the journey of crafting a corpus-based teaching material for 'make vs do' was like a linguistic rollercoaster for me and my partner Nur Çögen. Diving into the vast sea of language data, I discovered that using corpora was like having x-ray vision into the intricate patterns of English usage. Initially, it was hard to understand how to use it but as I used it more, I began to understand it. In designing the material, the corpus acted as my trusty guide, revealing the authentic ways 'make' and 'do' danced in the wilds of the English language which I think will be helpful for the students too. Real-life examples, straight from the corpus, seem to breathe life into the often-dull grammar lessons, making the content resonate with the high school EFL learners in Türkiye. Reflecting on the process, the corpus became more than just a tool; it became a language companion. It was like learning to cook by tasting, not just reading a recipe. However, like any grand adventure, falls lurked in the shadows. The reliance on technology, the potential for information overload, and varying levels of digital proficiency among students were challenges that crossed my mind. Despite these challenges, the process revealed the transformative power of corpora in simplifying the intricacies of grammar. The corpus isn’t just a tool for teachers; it is a bridge connecting students to the dynamic, ever-evolving world of English.In the end, this journey wasn't just about 'make vs do'; it was about reshaping how we approach language learning. The corpus was my co-pilot, making the exploration not just educational but an adventure into the heart of language itself, and I hope I will be able to use corpora frequently for my students in the future. You can click here to see our corpus material. Also if you wanna check Nur's blog, don't hesitate to click here!


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